Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Productive Day

We put our garden in today. It's a lot of work but it is so nice to have fresh vegetables during the summer. I always shudder at the thought of having to eat a store-bought tomato that has no flavor and has the consistency of cardboard.

Here are a few highlights...

The huz planting sweet corn

hmmm...somehow these got out of order. The huz and little buddy fixing the hose.

It doesn't look like we did much but there are lots of seeds in there!

Tomatoes in the far back. Cucumber, peppers, broccoli, eggplant, and sweet potatoes.

Herb garden. Basil, chives, cilantro, dill, lavendar, rosemary, and oregano. Smells wonderful!

Chive flowers

Soon-to-be strawberries!

The huz and little buddy washing the tires to the bike.

All-in-all we planted 5 rows of sweet corn, 3 types of tomatoes with a total of 5 plants, cucumber, 1 row of green beans, 3 eggplant, 4 peppers, 2 broccoli, 9 sweet potatoes, 1 row of yellow onions, 1 row of red onions, a row of lettuce, and green onions will one in once I get some seeds. We visited our local nursery and they have great stuff. Red potatoes and pumpkins will be planted in a few weeks.

The herbs consisted of mint, basil, dill, chives, cilantro, parsley, lavendar, rosemary, and oregano.

Now we're all tired. Little Buddy woke up early and spent the entire day outside. I'm waiting for him to pass out any minute now. We need a good nights sleep. A picnic and Wildlife Prairie Park await us tomorrow!

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