Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I hate storms

A more accurate description would be that I'm absolutely, positively terrified of storms. Terrified to the point that I go into a panic attack. Terrified to the point that I'll have multiple weather radar maps open on my computer along with radar on tv and radar on my phone, just in case any of the others go out with the power. My husband used to make fun of my phobia and has since accepted this fact. He has become Mr. Preparedness himself. (Remind me to post a picture of our panic room/storm shelter sometime).

We knew severe weather was in the cards today. Usually on days like this we put together a bag of basic necessities such as wallets, keys, a change of clothes for all, some toys for the kid, cell phone chargers, etc. After the threat of inclement weather had passed I went to retrieve my cell phone charger.

What did I find in the bottom of my bag?

My camera.

Because he knows how important it is to me. Now that is love. :)

1 comment:

  1. See that Chris can suprise you every once in a while. I was thinking of you last night when the storm got to us. I didn't want to take Addison updstairs but Eric made me.
