Friday, October 28, 2011


I would like to give a HUGE thank you to Mod Podge Amy for featuring my haunted house on her awesome blog Mod Podge Rocks!

For those of you that don't know....mod podge is a "must have" product in any crafter's arsenal of stuff. It glues, it seals, it will cook you dinner. Ok, so I may be exaggerating just a wee bit. It's some good stuff and I use it a lot. They come in a variety of formulas and I most recently bought a bottle of the dimensional stuff to make some cool magnets.

I was going to blog about my crafting weekend in St. Louis but this week has been nothing short of craptastic and I don't think I've been on my laptop at home all week. Shocking! was tons better once I saw my email from Mod Podge Amy so everything has been roses today!

I would also like to give a big shout out to Tiki Laru. She was the one who told me to send in my link. I never in a million years thought that I'd get picked. Maybe, just maybe, I'll make her something extra special this weekend (wink wink!). I'd also like to thank my family, and especially my husband, for supporting my crafting habit. I secretly think he likes helping me :)

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